How Does Our Circadian Rhythm Affect Our Health?

How Does Our Circadian Rhythm Affect Our Health?

Our circadian rhythm is best described as the natural cycle of mental, physical, and behavioral changes the body goes through in a 24 hour cycle. Often referred to as our “biological clock”, this system helps to regulate our bodies to function optimally within the...
Home Office Lighting Ideas

Home Office Lighting Ideas

If you’re committed to proper home office lighting, it’s time to consider some of the different options at your disposal. In this blog, we will detail the science that exists on light spectrums and its relation to productivity and focus. We will also discuss some of...
How Does Light Affect Our Moods… Or Even Our Personalities?

How Does Light Affect Our Moods… Or Even Our Personalities?

Everyone is familiar with feeling down on a rainy day- and maybe that makes you act a bit mopey. There is a wealth of research that has begun to look into the effect of weather and how light affects our mood- and even personalities. Why do we react the way we do to...
Blue Light & Sleep: How Does Blue Light Affect Sleep?

Blue Light & Sleep: How Does Blue Light Affect Sleep?

Many of us have heard from our doctors about the importance of putting our phones down before bed. Yet, 90% of Americans reported using an electronic device in their bedroom within an hour of trying to sleep.[1] This is an issue because the blue light emitted by our...
Cannabis Light Cycles for Commercial Indoor Growers

Cannabis Light Cycles for Commercial Indoor Growers

Understanding the natural growth cycle of cannabis and the attendant light cycle and spectrum needs is fundamental to growing a great product indoors. Cannabis is a photosensitive plant meaning that the amount of light it is exposed to within a 24 hour period will...
Circadian Lighting Design Made Simple

Circadian Lighting Design Made Simple

Our circadian rhythms regulate nearly everything in our day-to-day lives—from sleep and wake timing to hunger, efficacy of medicines, and immune function. They even allow us to be more creative at certain times of the day. The timing of our circadian clock—that drives...