About Us

BIOS is a biology-first company.

We inspire, educate and innovate the world through a biology-first approach to light.

Natural light is the essence of life itself, a biological necessity for the growth and well-being of plants and humans alike. At BIOS, we create biological lighting solutions that bring the natural brilliance of the outdoors where it’s needed most-for human health, plant growth, and beyond.

As a team of former NASA scientists, defying limits is in our DNA. During our time with NASA, we created technologies that provide astronauts with the natural light they lack during space exploration. But our drive to build biological lighting didn’t end there. Today, we’re using these discoveries to redefine what’s possible for human and plant life here on Earth.


BIOS lighting is a NASA spin-off that launched in 2014 on the Florida Space Coast. Our roots have deep ties to the Space Life Sciences Lab (SLSL) and Kennedy Center where the team led lighting projects to grow plants in space and to help astronauts regulate sleep patterns on the International Space Station where the sun rises and sets every 90 minutes orbiting the Earth.

The BIOS Leadership Team

The BIOS team is made up of movers and shakers. From experienced global executives to subject matter experts from NASA, BIOS has the team that is revolutionizing lighting and building a brighter future.  

BIOS Lighting CEO Deepak Savadatti
Deepak Savadatti

Chief Executive Officer

Bringing expertise from both the semiconductor and the life sciences industries to BIOS, Deepak Savadatti has started and scaled companies from scratch and managed large businesses with established worldwide teams.

Prior to joining BIOS, Deepak was the Founder & CEO of a digital therapeutics and EdTech company RIFFIT focused on helping millions of people struggling with neurological conditions like Dyslexia and Autism. As Founder & President of Viome, he co-led the creation and commercialization of a revolutionary technology that analyzes RNA (rather than DNA) of trillions of microbes in the gut. Viome was founded in 2016 to address the epidemic of chronic diseases, cancer, and aging.

Deepak managed $200M+ business unit for Infineon and drove the efforts to launch the semiconductor industry’s first fully digital power conversion technology at Primarion. His proven experience in building and managing all aspects of an enterprise will continue to drive monumental growth for BIOS.

Robert Soler

Chief Scientist and Founder

Robert Soler is a co-founder of BIOS Lighting. Prior to his work at BIOS, his most prominent work was at Kennedy Space Center, where he was the Subject Matter Expert for NASA’s circadian lighting system to synchronize astronauts to a 24-hour cycle on board International Space Station. He received a fellowship from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and currently serves on the light advisory committee for the International WELL Building Standard.

Interested in Joining the BIOS Team?

At Bios we lead with curiosity. Our team is made of the those with the right stuff. If you think you have what it takes, check out the careers at Bios Lighting.